Ignore this...

| 7 Comments | No TrackBacks

Uh... I said to ignore this. Yikes, no one listens to me!

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Thanks, Jamie and Shannon... I couldn't duplicate the error but I *think* I know what caused it. If you stop by again, let me know if it went away? Thanks!

I tried to ignore it, but it was right in front of my face. Ok, maybe I have to get my nose off of my computer screen. :p

Oh, and I'm getting the same error that Jamie is getting. (I am using IE 6.0, if that helps you any.)

It's not my fault! The voices in my head told me to keep reading. :rolleyes:

I tried to be a good girl and ignore it, but you see, I'm not on my own computer, and now I have an error message up at the top. I thought you might like to know about it :)

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/www/vhosts/vomviersenrotts.com/htdocs/dogblog/index.html:2) in /usr/local/www/vhosts/vomviersenrotts.com/htdocs/dogblog/index.html on line 6

I cannot ignore YOU!

Ignore what? Did you say something?? :lol:

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by published on December 10, 2002 11:36 AM.

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