January 2003 Archives

Workout buddies?

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Not sure how long this link from the Chicago Tribune will work... it's about a project at Northwestern Memorial Hospital which is attempting to determine whether putting pets and their owners on a diet-and-exercise program together will help both species lose weight and keep it off. If that link is gone, or you don't want to register on the Trib's site, here's another link to more information on the study.

Oscar and I both have a bit of weight to lose, but apparently not quite enough to be part of the study. We have a total of about 20-25 lbs. to lose. I don't feel like I have to say which pounds are canine and which are human ;).

But I think we will be using some of the information on the Pet Fit site to plan our own routine. We will probably not switch to the Hill's Science Diet foods (Oscar is doing well on his present diet, which also has a lower calorie formulation). If we make any major diet switches for the dogs this year it would only be to incorporate a more natural diet.

Hmmm... the site has a cat section, too. Hear that, Random??

Changes coming soon...

For those who are interested only in the clickable smilies post, it is temporarily open for all to see without requesting private : posting access.

All of the tech:talk posts will be moving out of this blog sometime this month; stay tuned for information on their new home.

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