Side trip... future memories

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I wish I'd done something like this...

Photo and pawprint in a hinged stand-up frame

or like this...

Matted framed photo and pawprint
(search on Pawprints Kit - Maple if the link has expired)

with Jake. And I will be doing it for the other dogs (I don't believe the cats will cooperate ... not MY cats).

I know, I know... we should have done it while they were pups. At least for the two that we got as eight-week-old babies.

Last year when we poured a concrete pad next to the garage to use as an extra parking space or storage for a trailer, boat, or some other toy to be acquired in the future, we honestly did think about having the dogs pawprint it. Unfortunately, due to the weather, the workers' schedules, and our schedules, the concrete dried before we could take action.

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Wish I had too. *sniff* I'd seen just the paw print kits before, was gonna pick one up then hubby said we could do that ourselves with material he still had from when he was a dental lab tech. We never got around to it. *kicks self*

LOL, my cats wont stand for that either :P Boo would be scared of it, and Tigger'd claw me to death for even thinking it heh

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This page contains a single entry by published on October 25, 2002 12:37 PM.

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