It is extremely difficult for me to think of my sweet puppy girl Heidi as being almost... :: sigh :: ... make that "actually"... elderly, but we celebrated her NINTH birthday yesterday.
Here she is as a youngster, maybe 18 months old, playing with a favorite toy, her mini soccer ball.
She's a little heavier, a little slower and a little grayer on the muzzle now... but she still loves playing catch and chasing balls of all sorts. She's our perpetual puppy, always acting younger than her years.
Although Heidi was never a star in the show ring or on the trial field, she has made a bigger contribution to bettering the world than some people do as a working therapy dog for two years, and she is also the best therapy her family could ever have with her unfailing goofiness and her big rottweiler smile.
We love you, Heidi!!
Happy Birthday Heidi !! *huggs*
I hope Heidi had a great b-day!! I understand completely how you feel. On May 25th my baby kitty, Chase, will be turning 9.
Happy Birthday Heidi! Hope you had a terrific day
YAY! Happy 9th B-day Heidi!