Spread the cheer!

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This little wreath's being passed around to spread a little holiday cheer.

Right click (PC) or click and hold (Mac) to save this wreath, and put it on your blog. Link it to the person you got it from (me) and then leave a comment for me so I know you're spreading the cheer :) !

Got it from Shannon (who got it from Jaz, who got it from Kitty, who got it from Linda, who got it from Dan, who got it from She)

1 TrackBack

TrackBack URL: http://dogblog.vomviersenrotts.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/39

Holiday Cheer from My Blog Sux0rs on December 22, 2002 4:35 PM

Kathi put up that pretty little wreath to spread holiday cheer. I would also like to spread cheer and Read More


Merry Christmas !! *huggs*

Hi Kathi! Love the wreath...if I can figure out how to put it in my blog, I will be adding it :) Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! ((hugs)) :)

I love the wreath idea!! It's cute!

Thanks for playing "Holidays around the Web"! I've added your site to the list of sites displaying my wreath.

Happy holidays~

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This page contains a single entry by published on December 22, 2002 10:56 AM.

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