One more feature...


Thanks (AGAIN!!! :) ) to the scriptygoddesses for their random list how-to!

My list of reads (over by there to the left and down) was rampantly growing out of control. It has now been replaced with "ten random reads" which are selected... well, at random... from my entire list of blog links.


hey thats really neat! :)

It's a new game! Howe many times do you have to load Kathi's blog until your own link comes up on the random reads. I got mine on the third try. *bounce*

The random reads thing is a rally good idea! I've spent ages trying to decide what to do with all my reads since there are many I only read occasioanlly but would still like to acknowledge. I will keep this in mind as an option.

I really (really) like the mouseover idea also. One question though, the two currently showing have TT in the description and I can't figure out what it means.

That is a neat. Thanks for the link. It is a real good site. So far just getting my pull down menu has helped in the looks. But there are so many to read and I feel bad if I don't get everyone. I may go to the random thing and maybe that will help.

OK, that's really cool!

oooh, that's cool! Thanks for the link to the scripty goddesses too!

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This page contains a single entry by published on April 28, 2002 11:29 AM.

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