Happy Birthday, Oscar!
Today we celebrate Oscar's eighth birthday! We've already had a little party at lunchtime for him, featuring a favorite treat of McDonald's hamburgers (with pickles and onions carefully removed, of course) and a party dessert of frozen yogurt.
We met Oscar for the first time when he was about three days old, and brought him into our family at the age of eight weeks. We have shared a lot of fun and training, a little bit of competition, and tons of love and companionship over the last eight years. How eight years could have gone by so quickly is a real mystery!
As most of you know, Oscar is also the logo dog of this blog and his portrait is one of my prized possessions. There's MORE... too -- just a couple of pictures and links...
The vom Viersen Rottweilers website will be undergoing renovation very shortly, but you can still view Oscar's pages (including his pedigree if you're interested in that sort of thing).
This is probably my favorite picture of us together...
...it's also known as "OK, I've got the book, now where does it say how to keep them from jumping up?" ;)
And I will always love watching him play his special game, Big Red Ball:
He goes through about one Boomer Ball a year (we do not call them by their other name, Indestructible Ball, around here, because they are not) playing this game.
Happy Birthday Oscar! how cute!
Happy (late) Birthday Oscar! He's a gorgeous boy =)
what a beautiful doggy :)
I'm glad his birthday went well.
Wow, Oscar is a really good looking dog!! Happy 8th b-day and the many more to come!!! :-)
What a huge doggie! Happy Birthday Oscar!
Beautiful boy! Happy birthday, Oscar. Glad you're able to have some happy days - there will be more to come!
Now that's one handsome(& huge!) beast! I love that he got Mickey D's for his B-day dinner. Happy B-Day Oscar! *hugs*
Happy B-Day Oscar ! *huggs Kathi & Oscar*